Falconer’s Marine Dictionary

Falconer’s Marine Dictionary is the most used reference book in my study. It was first published in 1769, so it’s contemporary with the era of the Carlisle & Holbrooke series. Falconer fills 328 pages with English terms, followed by a further 83 pages of French translations. It’s a monumental work, and it helps me add technical authenticity to my writing.

There has always been a link to an online version of this book on my website and in each of the books of the series, but the edition that it was linked to didn’t have the excellent diagrams that Falconer must have spent years creating. Yesterday a reader of the series kindly sent me a link to a first (1769) edition of Falconer, complete with all the diagrams. You can find it by following the link below, and I’ll include it in all future Carlisle & Holbrooke books.


My thanks to Colonel Gary R. Hovatter, United States Army (Retired) who found the online book and drew it to my attention.

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